
Tuesday, 31 May 2011


seriously these people make me smile.

ahmad tapa jais
muhammad hezal
muaz shukor
khalif faizal
muhammad fauzi
fatin najlaa
tini colette
nia rashid
mia amiruddin

i love you sampai mati !

Thursday, 26 May 2011

ohemmmjayyyyyy. if lah kan if dapat semua ni. walawehhhhhhhhhh. sumpah best gila okay ?
ah ! angan angan tinggi bebenooooooo


Monday, 23 May 2011


hari sabtu bersamaan 21st may 2011 berlangsungnya kenduri aqiqah my first niece, puteri cempaka marissa. 

tengok mata dia, redup aja. -.-' 
 tiga generasi. ayah, abg aswad, cempaka.

her mom and dad.

her mom, my sister.

lovely advice

  1. Drink plenty of water.                                                                           
  2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
  3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
  4. Live with the 3 E’s - Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
  5. Play more games.
  6. Read more books than you did in 2010.
  7. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
  8. Sleep for 7 hours.
  9. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

  1. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  2. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  3. Don’t over do. Keep your limits.
  4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  5. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
  6. Dream more while you are awake.
  7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  8. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
  9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
  10. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
  11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
  13. Smile and laugh more.
  14. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

  1. Call your family often.
  2. Each day give something good to others.
  3. Forgive everyone for everything.
  4. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
  5. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  6. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  7. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

  1. Do the right thing!
  2. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
  3. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  4. The best is yet to come.
  5. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


sabtu ni rumah saya kenduri. ye kenduri aqiqah my first ever niece. awww. cempaka marissa. jemput datang :)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

sebentar aja buk !

hyehye :) tadi keluar sekejap aja dengan tapa. pergi sunway piramid pilihkan baju untuk gf dia. well, i kan fashioon journalist :P
duit ada rm 7. apa je boleh dapat ? dapat bateri triple A untuk biscuit camera. haha. thanks lah belanja tadi ye tapa :)

 ni lah hasil dari biscuit camera ni. yang kecik ajaaaaa !


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

kenapa rezeki sempit ?


sepanjang cuti ni boleh dikatakan mmg tak ada duit betul. ya allah. rezeki tak masuk agaknya. serious mmg terasa betul :( apa eh sebab sebab dia ? tapi rezeki ni bukan setakat duit, tapi kesihatan, ketenteraman jiwa, pasangan hidup, nama baik dan sbgainya.

Allah adalah Dzat Pembagi Rezeki. Tidak ada setetes pun air yang masuk ke mulut kita kecuali atas izin-Nya. Karena itu, jika Allah SWT sampai menahan rezeki kita, pasti ada sesuatu yang salah yang kita lakukan. Setidaknya ada lima hal yang menghalangi aliran rezeki.

Pertama, tahap tawakkal di hati. Dengan kata lain, kita berharap dan menggantungkan diri kepada selain Allah. Kita berusaha, namun usaha yang kita lakukan tidak dikaitkan dengan-Nya. Padahal Allah itu mengikut prasangka hamba-Nya. Ketika seorang hamba berprasangka buruk kepada Allah, maka keburukan-lah yang akan ia terima. Barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah niscaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluan) nya. Demikian janji Allah dalam QS Ath Thalaaq [63] ayat 3.

Kedua, dosa dan maksiat yang kita lakukan. Dosa adalah penghalang datangnya rezeki. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya seseorang terjauh dari rezeki disebabkan oleh perbuatan dosanya.” (HR Ahmad). Saudaraku, bila dosa menyumbat aliran rezeki, maka tobat akan membukanya. Andai kita simak, doa minta hujan isinya adalah permintaan tobat, doa Nabi Yunus saat berada dalam perut ikan adalah permintaan tobat, demikian pula doa memohon anak dan Lailatul Qadar adalah tobat. Karena itu, bila rezeki terasa seret, perbanyaklah tobat, dengan hati, ucapan dan perbuatan kita.

Ketiga, maksiat saat mencari nafkah. Apakah pekerjaan kita dihalalkan agama? Jika memang halal, apakah benar dalam mencari dan menjalaninya? Tanyakan selalu hal ini. Kecurangan dalam mencari nafkah, entah itu korupsi (waktu, uang), memanipulasi timbangan, praktik mark up, dsb akan membaut rezeki kita tidak berkah. Mungkin wang kita dapat, namun berkat dari wang tersebut telah hilang. Apa ciri rezeki yang tidak berkat? Mudah menguap untuk hal sia-sia, tidak membawa ketenangan, sulit dipakai untuk taat kepada Allah serta membawa penyakit. Bila kita terlanjur melakukannya, segera bertobat dan kembalikan harta tersebut kepada yang berhak menerimanya.

Keempat, pekerjaan yang melalaikan kita dari mengingat Allah. Bertanyalah, apakah aktiviti kita selama ini membuat hubungan kita dengan Allah makin menjauh? Terlalu sibuk bekerja sehingga lupa solatt (atau minimal jadi telat), lupa membaca Alquran, lupa mendidik keluarga, adalah contoh-contoh pekerjaan kita tidak berkat. Jika sudah demikian, jangan heran bila rezeki kita akan tersumbat. Idealnya, semua pekerjaan harus membuat kita semakin dekat dengan Allah. Sibuk boleh, namun jangan sampai hak-hak Allah kita abaikan. Saudaraku, bencana sesungguhnya bukanlah bencana alam yang menimpa orang lain. Bencana sesungguhnya adalah saat kita semakin jauh dari Allah.

Kelima, enggan bersedekah. Siapapun yang kedekut, niscaya hidupnya akan sempit, rezekinya kurang. Sebaliknya, sedekah adalah penolak bala, penyubur kebaikan serta pelipat ganda rezeki. Sedekah bagaikan sebutir benih menumbuhkan tujuh bulir, yang pada tiap-tiap bulir itu terjurai seratus biji. Ertinya, Allah yang Mahakaya akan membalasnya hingga tujuh ratus kali lipat (QS Al Baqarah [2]: 261). Tidakkah kita tertarik dengan janji Allah ini? Maka pastikan, tiada hari tanpa sedekah, tiada hari tanpa kebaikan. Insya Allah, Allah SWT akan membukakan pintu-pintu rezeki-Nya untuk kita. Amin.

jadi, muhasabah diri sndr. hmm. mungkin lately ni busy beul ke sana sini sampai solat pun nak cepat. doa pun ala kadar. astaga. Tuhan paling tidak suka hambanya tidak meminta atau memohon doa kerana bagi Nya orang itu sombong bongkak. iya kan ? jadi, selesai solat mohon lah. dgn nada yg rendah dan bersungguh sungguh insyaallah akan di makbulkan. amin. 

Monday, 9 May 2011

satu satu satu


lately mcm mcm masalah yang datang satu per satu. on first day on sem break. aku dah dapat berita buruk atau benda yang paling aku takut nak tahu. tapi betul kata org, kebenaran memang sakit pahit masam busuk semua ada -..-. tapi nak buat mcm mana kalau mmg itulah kebenaran yang mesti kita tahu and hadapi. sama jugak mcm aku.

family mana yang TAK PERNAH LANGSUNG ada masalah. bagi tahu sini. mesti ada kan ? sama jugak mcm aku. sedih tak payah cakap. sakit hati kecewa semua cukup rasa. duduk rumah ni mcm duduk bilik jenazah even aku tak pernah masuk tp mesti sunyi kan ? sama jugak. hmm. dugaan Tuhan. terima je lah. rasa mcm nak blah je balik melaka. tp bila fikir banyak tgjwb sbg anak. aku stay dlm rumah ni. 

lepastu kesinambungan dr benda yg aku tak sggup nk dgr, aku nampak lg. ya Allah berilah aku kekuatan ya Tuhan. tkda siapa salah dalam hal ni. aku cuma kecewa. tapi aku bangga dgn diri aku sbb Allah memberi aku sdkit kelebihan. thank you Allah. i know You love me. benda jadi depan mata. hanya Tuhan tahu betapa sakit sedih nya smpai drive pun nk accident break emergency sbb asyik fikir benda tu. 

tapi Tuhan tahu saya kuat.  sbb tu Dia uji saya mcm ni. kan ? apa apa pun saya tahu ramai yang sayang sy. terharu sgt. and most important org yg saya tak pernah jumpa pun caring and sggp ada if apa apa. thanks kak jija, jaja. if you're reading this. thank you. 

and to other person, seriously i do love you guys. 

dear qeena, whatever happen i'm glad that i have you. 


Sunday, 8 May 2011

Thursday, 5 May 2011


semalam i call you, you tak answer. huahuahua

okay semalam pagi pagi mcm biasa dah bangun sbb nak hantar cempaka marissa kat rumah babysitter dia. after that terus pergi JJ sebab my sister nak beli baju kerja dia. * iknowserembantadepapesgt.
tapi nak buat cemana lak, kesian baby tinggal lelama nanti. 

so, first thing first makan lah dulu. * lapar nak mati kenyang nak mampus. okay makan pizza.
lepastu baru jalan jalan. lepas tu tgk wayang cerita RED RIDING HOOD. henry handsome. * bukan harry sarah ye.

conclusionnya. saya dapat ni.

wee, kita dapat perfume ni. even perfume banyak and semua tak habis lg. * alhamdulillah kita selamat

lepas tu, smpai rumah kita dapat ni

yeayyy. :*

lagi satu, hikhikhik * cmni lah lebih kurang. 

bye ! 

ps. lomo and bag bkn beli kat jj yeeee. hahaha

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


 fell in love with this boy two years ago. It was a normal day. I got picked up from school early and when I got home, my friend told me to text a number, so I did. She gave me the wrong number, though, the wrong number that lead me to him. I soon got a text back saying it was the wrong person and I replied that I was sorry, and from there, we started talking. We found out we lived about ten minutes away from each other, but had totally different social groups. He was rich, I was from the middle class. We talked the whole day, and then that night when I got his screen name on AIM we talked for hours and hours and couldn't stop talking. We talked about music, life, interests, everything. I felt like I had known him my whole life when really I had only known him a few hours. After a while, I said that I had to go and he asked me "What would you say if I asked you out?" I said, "I don't know, why don't you find out?" And he asked, "Would you be my girlfriend?" to which I said, "Yes." So he and I began our relationship. He was in Santa Barbara for Spring Break and I was just starting mine. A week later, I met up with him at the Galleria. I was so nervous that day, I wore tight jeans, a shirt that said "Peace Is The Way," some suspenders hanging from my jeans, and converse with no socks. He was wearing a black shirt with normal skinny jeans. He was tall, blonde, and very handsome. When we walked into the movie theater, I didn't know what to expect. But when the movie started, I sure did. With that first kiss, I knew that he and I would be together for a while. I knew that I had found someone that I would always want to be with... And from that day forward, I have loved him with all of my heart and soul. I would honestly take a bullet for him. Eight months into our relationship, he went to San Diego for Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with his family. He ignored me all weekend, and when he got back, he didn't try to talk to me. And when he finally did (over AIM), he broke my heart and broke up with me... Twenty minutes before I find out my Grandpa dies. I was cold, heartbroken... I couldn't fathom what had just transgressed. It took me a couple minutes to realize that I had lost the two most important people in my life right then and there. He and I kept in touch. He told me everything would be okay, and that we would get back together once everything settled down for him. That was the only thing that kept me from crawling under a rock and just dying then and there. Then two months after we broke up, I came home from school to find in my facebook inbox a message from his facebook account. But it wasn't him sending the message, it was his girlfriend that he "forgot to mention." She sent me a video of them making out for twenty seconds - the most heartbreaking twenty seconds of my life. I just sat there playing it over and over and over until I realized that she wasn't me. I was without him, and they were both happy. He was happy. Without me. We stopped talking after rumors had spread around and everyone started hating me. I had no friends. I was heartbroken and depressed and lonely. I tried killing myself, but I couldn't find the will to do it. Something or someone stopped me. I would always find myself checking his facebook to see if they were still together, and every time I looked, every time for a fucking year and a half I looked, and when the paged loaded I had hope. Every single time my hope was crushed. Until one day I checked his facebook and saw that they had broken up. I wanted so badly to message him, but I couldn't find the courage to do it. So I waited about two weeks, then finally messaged him apologizing for all the times I had lied, cheated, and hurt him. He told me it was okay and it didn't matter anymore. And we started talking again. We met up within two weeks of talking again, and everything had changed. He had changed; he had gotten taller, more handsome, older, more mature. We walked and talked down Ventura Blvd until we found ourselves at our old "secret spot." We stood there for 45 minutes talking. It was so overwhelming. Memories came flooding back, feelings rushing back. When I was with him, all I thought about was him and nothing else. Right then and there I realized, he's the most important thing in my life and I need to keep him there. Yeah, we hooked up. I spilled my guts to him. I told him I never stopped loving him and how much I missed him. He said the same thing. Someone please tell me I'm not crazy for taking him back and letting him into my life again. Tell me that he and I are meant to be and he's the one I'm supposed to be with. I can't even believe that he's in my life again. I love him more than anything...

Sunday, 1 May 2011

we are the one

Its been a long time i didn't post any entry kan. so, here it is. my semester break just started yesterday. but seriously, i tak excited pun nak balik rumah sbb everyweek dah balik and yeah i'm gonna miss my ladies. semester 4 are really nice for me to to end. :( we share a lot of things together. 

             well, meet my new friend which is my housemate Aina Amira 

* sorry mia i amik gamba you kat fb. hihi ♥

just wanna say thank you to all for being there when i needed you the most.

" kau hilang dia tapi kau dapat kawan kawan kan " yes ! :)

semua benda yang jadi pasti ada hikmahnya. jadi, sentiasa bersyukur and terima apa sahaja segala. He is the best planner. so, you dont have to worry. just keep on praying.